Personalized diabetes care with minimal wait times for a seamless and dependable healthcare journey.


I provide comprehensive virtual care for children with type 1 diabetes. My personal journey with diabetes for over 30 years has equipped me with the knowledge and understanding to empower your child to succeed despite their diagnosis.

During your child's virtual visits, we will work together to:

  • Develop an in-depth diabetes management plan tailored to your child's needs

  • Provide age-appropriate education for managing diabetes, making healthy choices, and preparing for increased independence in self-care

  • Educate you on the newest treatment options and technologies

  • Offer extended appointment times to address all aspects of your child's health

  • Help children and teens develop healthy coping strategies and a positive mindset around living with diabetes daily

  • Take steps to reduce risks of long-term complications through ongoing care, screenings, and early intervention when needed

  • Send prescriptions and prescription refills to your pharmacy

  • Assist with insurance prior authorizations and other coverage challenges

  • Communicate with your child's school and school nurse about medical needs

My goal is to make managing type 1 diabetes easier for your family. I recognize that this diagnosis can be overwhelming, which is why I provide dependable, holistic care tailored to your child's unique needs, virtually accessible from the comfort of your home. Contact me today to schedule your child's initial consultation and embark on this journey together.